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  • Exploring Civil Engineering Bina Nusantara University: High School Laboratory Tour in Jakarta

    Exploring Civil Engineering Bina Nusantara University: High School Laboratory Tour in Jakarta

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Location Available in 1 Campus
  • BINUS @Kemanggisan
Length of Study 4 Years
Academic Title Sarjana Teknik (S.T.)


Civil Engineering is a profession in which knowledge of mathematics and physical sciences are applied, ranging from providing structures for the use of civilization to creating, improving, and protecting the environment, as well as providing facilities for transportation, infrastructures, and industries.
Fostering and Empowering through global community development and sustainable innovation.


Civil Engineering BINUS University is accredited Unggul by BAN-PT and internationally accredited by IABEE and ABET


1. Structural Engineering
Structural engineering is a discipline that deals with the designing and constructing buildings and infrastructures, such as: bridges, houses, office towers, and others. It’s a fascinating field that combines mathematics and physics to calculate the loads that are subjected on a structure. Structural engineers play a vital role in society as you will be responsible […]
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2. Highway Engineering
One of the most important specializations is highway engineering. Highway engineering is a field of civil engineering that deals with the planning, design, construction, operation, and maintenance of highways. Highway engineers are responsible for the planning, design, construction, and maintenance of roads and highways. This includes the physical infrastructure (pavement, bridges, tunnels, etc.). If you […]
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3. Geotechnical Engineering
Geotechnical engineering is the branch of civil engineering that deals with the behavior of earth materials. Geotechnical engineers work to understand the behavior of earth materials–soil, rock, and water–in order to create a safe and stable foundation for construction projects. No matter what project you’re working on, you’ll need to be able to assess the […]
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4. Traffic Engineering and Transportation Planning
Traffic engineering and transportation planning consist of process of designing and managing a transportation system that meets the needs of the users as well as how people and goods will move around in an efficient and effective way. It can involve everything from roads and bridges to public transportation systems and bike lanes. Transportation planning […]
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5. Environmental and Water Resources Engineering
Environmental and water resources engineering deal with the assessment, development, and management of water resources while also maintaining the communities to be environmentally friendly. This includes everything from water supply and drainage for cities to irrigation for agriculture as well as water treatment and wastewater management. As an environmental and water resources engineer, you could […]
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6. Construction Management
Construction management is all about overseeing the construction process of a project, from start to finish. This includes everything from coordinating workers and managing schedules, to ensuring that the project stays within budget. In a nutshell, it’s the process of planning, organizing, and overseeing construction projects from beginning to end. In this career field, you […]
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Concept and Design – Nidus Custodian Building
In the digital transformation era that has changed almost every aspect of human life, the education sector must also adapt to prepare future generations to face the complexities and dynamics of the modern world. As centers of higher education, universities are responsible for producing individuals with the skills, understanding, and perspectives relevant to the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century. Therefore, the emergence of the concept of a “futuristic university” was initiated to create an educational environment that is innovative, sustainable, and adaptive to changing times. Combining the latest technology, personalized education, global collaboration, and a skill-oriented approach, this project is expected to produce graduates ready to face challenges while upholding humanistic and ethical values. In planning this project, writers also pay attention to the urgency of climate change that is getting higher. This world needs to increase awareness of the development of buildings that focus on the concept of “green building.” This environmentally friendly idea relates to building design, construction, and operation that promotes resource conservation, environmental sustainability, and low environmental impact (Widiati, 2019). The parameters used to assess the achievement of a building to be considered a “green building” are based on the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating system originating from the United States of America. Created by students: -Ignatius Adjie Putra Yulianto -Jesslyn Megan -Muhammad Farhan Diaz -Stephanie Rachel Khosasih -Vanessa Andreas -Zianur Rahman Agya


    Geotechnical Engineering Software Laboratory
    Structural Engineering Software Laboratory
    Const. Management Software Laboratory
    BIM Laboratory and Drawing Construction
    Traffic Engineering Laboratory
    Highway Engineering Laboratory
    Integrated Infrastructure Material Laboratory
    Integrated Pre – Construction Laboratory










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  • Workshop Pendataan Basis Data Perumahan Tahap I

  • CENTS – Water Infrastructure


  • Tech Day 2024 Bina Nusantara University

  • Campus Expo at SMAK Sang Timur

  • Exploring Civil Engineering Bina Nusantara University: High School Laboratory Tour in Jakarta


  • Tech Day 2024 Bina Nusantara University

  • Campus Expo at SMAK Sang Timur

  • Construction Material Technology Laboratory Manual


  • Graduation ’68 Shines Bright: Steven Christian Emerges as Best Graduate in Civil Engineering, Achieving Cum Laude Honors

  • Best AMM Papers in KOGEI XII and PIT XXVII 2023

  • 3rd place in two categories at UNESA KJUO XVII 2023


  • Vincent Eliandi Jonathan

    Entrepreneur RESIDENTIAL CONTRACTOR PT. Chemkon Nusantara Perkasa (Waterproofing Specialist) Portofolio:
  • Sony Wijaya

    Entrepreneur - Construction Contractor Entrepreneur – Construction Contractor Project Portfolio: Soccer Field at West Kalimantan Shophouse at West Kalimantan Shophouse at West Kalimantan Housing Project at West Kalimantan His complete portfolio can be seen on his Instagram page
  • Ardian Sulistianto

    Chief Engineer at PT Jaya Obayashi Chief Engineer at PT JAYA OBAYASHI Chief Engineer PT. Jaya Obayashi · Full-timePT. Jaya Obayashi · Full-timeFeb 2021 – Present · 2 yrs 6 mosFeb 2021 – Present · 2 yrs 6 mosJl. Pancoran Timur II No.3 Civil Project Engineer PT Pulauintan Bajaperkasa Konstruksi · Full-timePT Pulauintan Bajaperkasa Konstruksi · Full-timeApr 2017 – Feb 2021 […]
  • Andrew John Pierre

    Director of Civil & Environmental Engineering Technology Seminar and Laboratory Assistant at BINUS University Director of Civil & Environmental Engineering Technology Seminar (CENTS) and Laboratory Assistant at BINUS University During my study at BINUS University, I was able to acquire a solid foundation in civil engineering through a comprehensive curriculum that was both challenging and fulfilling. The faculty members were highly qualified and experienced, and they provided me with […]
  • Dinda Mutiara Savitri

    Project Manager at Siemens Energy Indonesia Joining civil engineering in BINUS has been one of my life changing experience. Through the programs provided in BINUS, specifically 3+1 enrichment program, I was given the opportunity to do an internship for 1 year in a multinational STEM company, which improved all aspects of my skills. In addition, excellent practical knowledge is also given […]
  • Gerardo Hariman M. Siagian

    Civil Servant at Kementerian PUPR Alumni Teknik Sipil Binus 2018 Civil Servant at Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat Portofolio singkat saya adalah: Internship PT Pulauintan Bajaperkasa Konstruksi Sep 2017 – Feb 2018 · 6 mos Laboratory Assistant of Civil Engineering Department Sep 2017 – Sep 2018 · 1 yr 1 mo Gantry & PT Engineer VSL International Ltd. · […]


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Kegiatan apa saja yang sering dilakukan mahasiswa Civil Engineering untuk menambah wawasan dalam dunia Civil Engineering?

Kegiatan yang sering dilakukan yaitu dengan mengikuti seminar, workshop, site visit, pelatihan, serta mengikuti perlombaan untuk dapat bersaing secara nasional maupun internasional

Perlengkapan apa saja yang dibutuhkan mahasiswa untuk menunjang perkuliahan Civil Engineering?

Perlengkapan yang harus dibutuhkan yaitu Laptop untuk menggunakan software AutoCAD, Civil 3D, GeoStudio, Revit, Tekla Structures, SAP2000, ETABS, dan masih banyak lagi.

Apa perbedaan jurusan Civil Engineering dengan Architecture?

Jurusan Civil Engineering dan Architecture merupakan dua jurusan yang berbeda tetapi saling terkait dalam dunia konstruksi. Perbedaannya yaitu Civil Engineering fokus pada perencanaan, perancangan, konstruksi, pemeliharaan infrastruktur dan memastikan keamanan serta ketahanan konstruksi. Sementara Architecture yaitu berfokus pada merancang bangunan yang berfungsi baik secara teknis maupun visual dengan memperhatikan kenyamanan, keindahan, dan estetika lingkungan.

Apa saja kemungkinan karir setelah lulus dari jurusan teknik sipil?

Karir dalam dunia konstruksi yaitu bisa menjadi insinyur perencanaan seperti ahli sturktur, ahli hidrologi, ahli geoteknik, ahli manajemen konstruksi, dan juga bisa menjadi entrepreneur.

Apa persyaratan masuk ke jurusan civil engineering?

Persyaratan untuk masuk jurusan Civil Engineering yaitu jurusan SMA IPA/Sains serta calon mahasiswa memiliki keahlian berpikir secara logis dan analisis serta kemampuan untuk mendesain, perencanaan, komunikasi

Apa saja Mata Kuliah yang Umumnya diajarkan dalam jurusan teknik sipil?

Umumnya jurusan teknik sipil akan mempelajari mata kuliah Mekanika Teknik, Hidrologi dan Hidraulika, Desain struktur, Fisika Teknik, Matematika Teknik, Fondasi dan Tanah, Material Konstruksi, Manajemen Konstruksi, Struktur Baja dan Beton.

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