Flood Discharge Analysis of The Ciliwung Watershed to Determine The Dimensions of The Diversion and Downstream Channels
Analysis Time Efficiency on the ROW 28 Phase 2 Development Project Using the Earned Value Method
The Influence of Streamline Bridge Pier Shape Variations to The Scouring Characteristics
Clash Detection and Quantity Take-Off Analysis in Warehouse Project with BIM Based Technology (Case Study: IKEA Jakarta Garden City)
Analysis of The Usage of Rubberized Asphalt in Hot Mix Asphalt using Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP)
Seismic Performance Analysis of Retrofitting Building with Type X Bracing
Moisture Analysis of Asphalt Mixture with The Addition of Waterproofing Admixture
Performance of Wearing Surface with Addition of Wetbond-SP
Collaboration Research with Astra Tol Nusantara (IRI and WIM Research)